Group Health Insurance

Group Health Insurance

Exclusive “Flexible” Solutions For Corporate Needs

We are working to provide you the solution that is in align with the private health insurance utilization habits of your employees, your corporate structure, your preferences and special requests.

With a flexible and “understanding” management models developed exclusively for corporate businesses, we help you manage both the employee health and your budget.

Increase Employee Satisfaction with Group Health Insurance

Many businesses of any size provide group health insurance to their employees and their families to ensure their loyalty and motivation, and to increase their efficiency at work.

You can select the most suitable health insurance plan that will cover your employees and their families that are part of our huge family, in line with your needs and budget.

“Intelligent” Policies with Health Management

Instead of utilizing an insurance management that is shaped solely by the health expenditures with Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta Group Health Insurance, we provide a Proactive Health Management that handles the increased expenditures immediately by analyzing the needs, providing a “breathing room” with alternative solutions and involving employee interaction.

If you want health management to be managed on premises, take a look at our Corporate Services

Tax Advantage

By providing health insurance to your employees, you can have happy and healthy employees and benefit from corporate tax advantages.

Since the premiums that will be paid by your business will be added to the payrolls of your employees, with the provided tax benefits, this may lead to an increase in net wage and therefore you can have happy and healthy employees.

Furthermore, as the premiums are considered as general expenditures when determining the tax basis for corporate tax, your company will have a tax benefit.


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